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May is Mental Health Month

David Nover

Do you or someone you care about have a mental health diagnosis?  If so, you are not alone.  In fact, 1 in 5 American adults experienced a mental health issue in 2014.  Unfortunately, it is not only adults who are affected by mental illness.  Half of those with mental health disorders show first signs prior to age 14.  Three quarters of mental health disorders begin prior to age 24.  Sadly, less than 20% of children and adolescents and 44% of adults with a diagnosed mental health disorder receive the treatment they need. 

Did you know May is Mental Health Month?  The theme for 2018 is Fitness #4Mind4Body.  This theme provides awareness of the interactive relationship between our mind and body.

One way to prevent and treat mental health disorders is through diet.  Did you know that young people with the healthiest diets are about half as likely to have depression, whereas those with diets highest in junk and processed foods are 80% more likely to have depression?  In fact, in one study, 1/3 of those with depression who improved their diets had full relief of their symptoms.  Try eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish, olive oil, and other healthy foods while eating sweets and fatty food in moderation.

Did you know that exercise can help prevent and treat mental health disorders?  Studies have shown that just one hour of exercise a week is related to lower levels of mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders.  You can incorporate small amounts of fun exercise into your daily routine.  For example, you can take walks outside, play a sport, take a dance class, or go swimming.

Did you know that poor quality of sleep can increase your risk of developing a mental health disorder?  People with mental health disorders are much more likely to suffer from sleep problems than those without mental health issues.

If after making changes to diet, exercise, and sleep, you or someone you care about are still struggling with mental health issues, it may be beneficial to seek professional help.  Mental health disorders can usually be treated effectively with psychotherapy and medication.  You can call us at (215) 491-7570 to schedule an appointment with one of our clinicians.


Mental health month 2018 – toolkit download. (2018). Retrieved from

Mental health myths and facts. (2017, August 29). Retrieved from

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